Reverse Speech sessions are extremely effective in the treatment of all number of issues both physical and mental. The Reverse Speech Private Session process is like no other form of Personal Development you may have experienced, consistently proving more accurate than TLT and EFT, and always delivering quicker, longer lasting results than NLP and Hypnosis, all with ZERO effort! Private Sessions consist of 8 one-on-one phone calls with David.
Full Round of 8 Sessions with David Oates
Product Description
Step 1: Discovery – You’ll discuss the topics you wish to address in your sessions with David.
Step 2: Analysis #1 – David will use Reverse Speech to analyze how you’re communicating about these topics at a subconscious level.
Step 3: Problem Solving – You’ll discuss with David the reasons for any negative reversals, and figure out solutions to solving them together.
Step 4: Metawalk #1 – David will guide you into a trance and use metaphor restructuring to create profound change at an unconscious level.
Step 5: Metawalk #2 – David will guide you into a second trance to reinforce the unconscious restructuring that was started in the first metawalk.
Step 6: Evaluation – You’ll discuss with David any changes that have occurred over the course of the private sessions so far.
Step 7: Analysis #2 – David will go over the reversals found during step 6, and compare them with you to reversals found previous to the metawalks.
Step 8: Final Metawalk – David will guide you into a final trance to solidify the positives changes created throughout your private sessions.